I’m often asked about the main differences between a “Landing Page and a website.” Nowadays, Landing Pages are a highly effective tool, but this does not mean that Websites are not; landing pages are places where people can act to get something in particular; on the other hand, a site is a merely informative place that communicates everything about your company.

What is a web page?

A website aims to provide information about your company or the business behind it, such as what services it offers, testimonials, how it works, and how to contact it.

Apart from the visual aspect, the most critical aspect of a website is the positioning factor. It has to be optimized for search engines; for this, it will be necessary to make a previous keyword analysis.

What is a landing page?

A landing page or landing page is exclusively intended for the user to leave their data in the contact form or take specific action for subsequent follow-up and email marketing campaigns.

The difference between a landing page and a web page is the conversion since the user is open; he receives the information he needs, and if he is interested, he will leave his data.

Landing pages are not created to be positioned in Google but to attract the most significant number of leads as quickly as possible. The strategies to attract potential customers to a landing page can be:

  1. Sponsored or pay-per-click (PPC) ads like Google Adwords or Facebook Ads.
  2. Through the use of social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter.
  3. Through a QR code, such as the use of QR on a flyer. (Valades, 2023)

Once we have an optimal and optimized database, it will be time to create what is known as a marketing funnel, which consists of programming a series of informative and sales emails to inform and convert. Refining which emails are opened more and which have a higher conversion will be necessary.

1. Navigation Menu (Web Site)

A website has a navigation menu that allows visitors to interact with different elements and information within the site (Valades, 2023).

2. Created with a specific objective (Landing Pages)

A landing page is created with a very particular aim: to get new “LEADS” and have no navigation menu so as not to distract visitors; they have an exact feature, which is to act on a CTA.

However, visitors on a website have more than one action to perform, making it more complicated to get leads. I am not saying it is impossible; it will be easier if we have a website created with good content to guide visitors.

3. A lot of information (Web site)

Once visitors arrive at a website, they enter a place full of information. Do not just talk about how excellent your product/service is, but about all the benefits your potential customers can get.

4. Concrete actions (Landing Pages)

Remember the objective for which you created your landing page. Based on this, you can decide on the concrete action you want your visitors to perform.

5. They are targeted to a segment (Landing Pages).

One benefit of landing pages is that they are targeted to a particular segment, and all the content is adapted to the prospect we want to reach.

On the other hand, we know that the same content is used for all visitors on a website.